Located in Helmond, this beautiful apartment is located on the Passage.
De Elzas is located in the neighborhood Centrum. It is a relatively quiet neighborhood considering the population density.
The property is easily accessible with many amenities nearby. Situated within walking distance of the center of Helmond, walking distance of a supermarket and walking distance of a train station. In addition, the nearest exit road is in the vicinity at 10 minutes drive.
The apartment will have two bedrooms, equal to eachother. Spacious livingroom with an openkitchen.
* Rental price is excluding gas/water/electricity & internet/tv.
* Rental price is excluded monthly service cost of € 50,-
* Deposit 1 month rent.
* Income requires 3 month’s rent
* Rental period minimal 12 months
* Soft furnished
* Also for colleagues, friends or students
* No pets allowed
* No smoking allowed
* Temporary contract
-We don’t charge any kind of costs to the tenant for the rental mediation and the conclusion of a rental agreement.
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